Wednesday, 24 September 2008

A strange you my readers..

A number of posts on this blog have been about a one year team management and leadership programme that is run by Landmark Education. The purpose of the year is to cause leaders. I must be honest and say that I had never seen myself as a leader. Being a leader was not something I ever thought about. In fact, throughout my childhood teenage and early adult years all I ever wanted to do was belong but all I seemed to do was stand out.

An experience on a 10 day silent meditation retreat in Devon in 1998 changed all that. From it I recognise the power of the experience I had and its transformative effects. I am not unique and if there is a deeply buried and dormant energy present within me, then it is within everyone. When this energy rises safely to the brain and then rests in the heart what is experienced is a level of connectedness to all things that it is hard to do justice writing about. As a result I have made this experience mean that I am a leader. However I then asked myself 'how do I get trained as a leader'. I didn't want to take myself off to an ashram and be under the guidance of some guru, that path just didn't appeal. The one year programme which Landmark Education offers seemed to tick all the boxes and it does in terms of understanding the ontology of human being and the ways in which the identity works in preventing spiritual realizations and insights, all within the context of a game (if that makes sense). I must stress that the technology that Landmark provides is not of a spiritual nature, it is promoted as education but I have found since doing the programme that my spiritual insights, intuitions and realizations are more frequent and intense.

I have also written about the dilemma I feel between a part of me that wants to play small and the other part that wants to play a big game. One of the requirements of this year programme is that the participants play what is called a 'Team Game in the World', this is a game that is played with a team of 5 other people (they cannot be on the programme). There is a requirement that there is something added to the world when the game has finished.

I have been so resisting this part of the programme. I haven't been in action around putting a team together and yet I am so inspired about the experience I had and how I can best give it away to others that I want to put on an event in London in early November to speak about this experience and also to have some research to present around the phenomenon of rising energy from the base of the spine.

My request through this blog is for any members who are reading this blog regularly and would like to be a part of getting my story out into the world and who are London based, to join my team to give hope and inspiration for the journey of spiritual transformation.

I have never done anything like this before and as I write this I am scared but also excited about the possibility of what could be available in the world following this event.

The deadline for me to put this team together is tight. I would need to have emails from anyone interested by Friday at 12pm. I don't envisage a huge commitment to have the event happen. A first face-to-face meeting of the team and then a number of conference calls to put the event together and arrange everything that needs to be done. So if you are inspired by what you read and would like to be part of my team then send an email to by 12pm Friday 26 September 2008.

I am aware of the unusual nature of this blog entry and the nature of the request, but I also know intuitively and at the deepest philosophical level that life is a game and I am playing for the highest of stakes..... the spiritual transformation of life itself.....

Thanks so much to everyone.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be careful with this. You might attract some strange people.