Thursday, 31 December 2009

My last post.....for 2009...

This post is going to be very short as I am sitting in my uncles pub as I have no internet connection where I live. I have had the most amazing, magical Christmas. There has been a freedom and ease that has never been there before. My mother keeps saying that it's the best one that she has ever had. Last night I led an introduction to my friends to let them know about the education I am doing and how it is one powerful access to having a life that works in every way. I was so passionate doing it because of how much it has given to me. What I noticed so strongly was that all of the fear and unease I used to experience was all gone and in its place was nothing but love, connection and relatedness. I don't think I have enjoyed doing anything more. I have support from my family for what I have dedicated my life to and that is something that I thought I would never get. This Christmas I created a way of being that was going to be powerful, excited and playful and from the moment I stepped off the plane, this is what was there.

I was powerful in that I was straight about saying things as I saw them, always asking permission before I did so and stressing that it was just the way I saw them and I took what came back to me without flinching or feeling any need to defend myself. What is there to defend anymore, without fear there is nothing to defend and this has been nothing short of magical. I was excited because that is my way of being now and I was playful because ultimately it is all a game and the important thing is to play the game full out but never to lose sight that it is only a game.

So as I come to write my final post for 2009 I feel so moved with love and gratitude for the way my life has expanded this year. Once I showed some courage the universe did the rest and I just flew. I can't wait for 2010, without any kind of fear and having nothing to protect or defend and clear that it is all a game I am so excited about what's possible especially in relation to me making a difference to children and young people through how I am. From my leadership last night I am clear that the power of the evening wasn't in anything I said but was in how I was being. I was authentic. I didn't say one word that wasn't true and didn't come from my own experience.

So to all my readers of this blog, I thank you and wish you all a very happy new year...

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