Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Something amazing......has happened with my flatmate's cat

My flatmate has a cat and when I moved in she used to scratch herself so badly that she splattered blood on the skirting board in the kitchen. My flatmate brought her to the vet who said that it was an allergy. When I moved in she had a huge bald patch on her head and used to scratch it viciously. Over the time I have been here I have often stroked and patted her. I didn't think anything about it and then just a few days ago I noticed that most of the bald patch had gone and the hair was once again growing normally. I did train as a Reiki healer but never really rated it. This discovery with the cat is a real test for my ego. Did my energy have anything to do with this recovery or would it have happened in the normal course of time. Is the fact that I am now noticing it a sign for me to stand in my own power as a healer whether consciously or unconsciously and own it.

Today was a very strange kind of day. I had an interview with the job centre to claim jobseekers allowance and to be honest I was dreading going. Part of me didn't feel like I was entitled to it even though I have paid my national insurance contributions for almost 30 years. I had already done the first step which was to call up a number and get a claim form processed. This was the interview where I would be given my paying in book and also advice as to how to look for jobs. When I got there I was taken to fill in another form by a really friendly man. I filled that in and then was told that somebody else would call me for interview in a bit. After an hour I was called and interviewed by a very warm and friendly woman. I was impressed by the help and advice that was there. It was also reassuring that each week I have to record the three actions I did to get try to get a job and bring these with me when I come to sign in. Everything was fine until I said that I was going to be away in Ireland for 10 days. Suddenly this was a huge problem as I would not be around should work become available. The woman was really great in the way that she handled it. She explained that the claim that had just been made would now have to be ended and I would have to start a new claim when I return from Ireland aagh. The thought of this filled with complete dread and I shook my head in disbelief. I really hate having to do this and I'm not at all sure that I will start again when I return even though everyone says it is only what I am entitled to.

I came home kind of deflated about the whole thing but also greatly reassured that the horror stories I had heard about the process of signing on was nothing like my experience of it. I couldn't have met more friendly or helpful people. There were a lot of people there who were in the same position as me. But somehow being given some websites and also the help meant that I didn't feel so alone in this game called 'getting a job'. I have downloaded an application form for a similar position to the one I used to do. So tomorrow I am creating that I am going to do the best possible application form. It is part-time which would give me more time to pursue my training to be a leader for children and young people which is going to demand flexibility.

It was a day of highs and lows. After the low of the morning I came home and logged on to get my emails. Among them was an email from the Society of Metaphysicians approving the leaflet they will send out to members on its mailing list to promote my book. It is going to take 500 leaflets which is great. I have been reading the booklet on neometaphysics and was fascinated by the concept of the Absolute which is something I so understand. Something in me wants to learn more from this 91 year old man who is has been a mystic since a young boy. I sense that he has much that I can learn. When I get the leaflets I am going to go down again and leave them but also ask if this man would spare some time to teach me about neometaphysics. I am drawn to it for some reason.

I went for a long walk along the seafront this evening and it was just beautiful, the union of my consciousness with the words don't do justice to the utter absorption that happens when my consciousness connects with the vast expanse of the sea... I was thinking as I was walking about the turban kundalini yoga teachers wear. It's not just here in this city. I went on the website and looked up a number of sites and the turban is part of the attire for kundalini yoga. Something about this had continued to nag at me. I thought that the purpose of the turban was as a mark of respect to the powerful energy which is being contacted but I just couldn't let it go...there was something more......then this evening walking along the seafront I suddenly got the realisation that it is about heat. It is about not letting the heat escape from the body. I remembered how most of the heat of the body is lost through the head (which is why people wear hats in winter) and the purpose of the turban is to keep the body heated. This realization brought back a memory of a yogi I had been brought to see when I was in Varanasi. He lived deep under the ground and when I went in he was sitting by a huge blazing fire. It was like a furnace in there and I can remember thinking why is he sitting in such heat. But it all came together for me this evening walking by the the seafront. There is something about heat and this energy. What this is exactly....I don't know but I am committed to finding out.....

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