Wednesday 9 December 2009

Even spiritual people......get swine flu...

Late last night I got a message that my teacher for the Transcendental Meditation training that was to be happening this Saturday and Sunday is ill with swine flu and so the training has been cancelled. The message said that it is the first time ever that he has not been able to do a scheduled training! In the past before I did the training that I currently doing which is giving me the tools to deal powerfully with any situation I would be in such a bad mood about this, having rearranged everything so that I could do it but more so, thinking that it was something that was meant to be because of the inner prompting not to be late in paying the balance that was due but now I can just let it go. It's not now going to happen when it was going to happen and there's no reason for it, it's just one of those things. I am disappointed though because I feel that would have been great to have had over the Christmas period....

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